Sunday, October 26, 2008

re-inventing the smile

He tells me the story of the family photo.  All the tricks of the trade that bring four generations together in one ten by eight inch space.  United forever in two dimensions.  Some focused, some less so.  Some smile in today’s technicolor, while others grin through a 1970’s sheen.  The living and the dead and those still hanging somewhere in between.  Ghosts with shared chromosomes.  A new hierarchy - centre stage claimed by those who have spread the gene pool farthest and widest.  And the three extra pounds to grease the palm of the virtual wizard who can remove the scar from her face.  The fun we had with those face paints, pulled from a cracker - all gathered together some thirty Christmases ago.


polona said...

there are so many stories hidden in the old photos... so much history, so many secrets...
a wonderful sketch

jo :: feather and thread said...

Like Polona said there could be so, so many stories behind this piece, i'm almost sad I'll never get to know the secrets...x

Rembrandt said...

gorgeous writing, some beautiful aesthetics

ghosts with shaped chromosones.


Anonymous said...

I like this one particularly.